Service times


Aug 6, 2023    Jon Paul Dennison

The kingdom of heaven, which is the kingdom of God, is His rule and reign that is presently experienced, yet still to come in its fullness. This kingdom was inaugurated by Christ at his coming and will be consummated following His return. This kingdom stands in contrast to the kingdoms of this present world because it is indestructible, unshakable, heavenly, eternal, perfect, and incorruptible.

When Christ returns to consummate this kingdom, he will first judge the living and the dead. Those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life, who have not repented and believed in Christ in this life, will experience the righteous wrath of God for eternity in hell. But for those in Christ, because there is no condemnation, they will see God face to face and dwell with Him forever in the fullness of His kingdom to come.